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ever-damning Molochs and fiends, as all have made nations to serve the latter more than the God
of Truth. But while cunningly-devised dogmas and intentional misinterpretations by scholiasts
are beyond any doubt, "falsehoods already exploded," the texts themselves are mines of universal
truths. But for the world of the profane and sinners, at any rate -- they were and still are like the
mysterious characters traced by "the fingers of a man's hand" on the wall of the Palace of
Belshazzar: they need a Daniel to read and understand them.
Nevertheless, TRUTH has not allowed herself to remain without witnesses. There are, besides
great Initiates into scriptural symbology, a number of quiet students of the mysteries or archaic
esotericism, of scholars proficient in Hebrew and other dead tongues, who have devoted their
lives to unriddle the speeches of the Sphinx of the world-religions. And these students, though
none of them has yet mastered all the "seven keys" that open the great problem, have discovered
enough to be able to say: There was a universal mystery-language, in which all the World
Scriptures were written, from Vedas to Revelation, from the Book of the Dead to the Acts. One of
the keys, at any rate -- the numerical and geometrical key (13) to the Mystery Speech is now
rescued; an ancient language, truly, which up to this time remained hidden, but the evidences of
which abundantly exist, as may be proven by undeniable mathematical demonstrations. If,
indeed, the Bible is forced on the acceptance of the world in its dead-letter meaning, in the face
of the modern discoveries by Orientalists and the efforts of independent students and kabalists, it
is easy to prophesy that even the present new generations of Europe and America will repudiate
it, as all the materialists and logicians have done. For, the more one studies ancient religious
texts, the more one finds that the ground-work of the New Testament is the same as the ground-
work of the Vedas, of the Egyptian theogony, and the Mazdean allegories. The atonements by
blood -- blood-covenants and blood-transferences from gods to men, and by men, as sacrifices to
the gods -- are the first keynote struck in every cosmogony and theogony; soul, life and blood
were synonymous words in every language, pre-eminently with the Jews; and that blood-giving
was life-giving. "Many a legend among (geographically) alien nations ascribes soul and
consciousness in newly-created mankind to the blood of the god-creators." Berosus records a
Chaldean legend ascribing the creation of a new race of mankind to the admixture of dust with
the blood that flowed from the severed head of the god Belus. "On this account it is that men are
rational and partake of divine knowledge," explains Berosus. (14) And Lenormant has shown
(Beginnings of History, p. 52, note) that "the Orphics . . . . said that the immaterial part of man,
his soul (his life) sprang from the blood of Dionysius Zagreus, whom . . . . Titans tore to pieces."
Blood "revivifies the dead" -- i.e., interpreted metaphysically, it gives conscious life and a soul to
the man of matter or clay -- such as the modern materialist is now. The mystic meaning of the
injunction, "Verily I say unto you, except ye eat the flesh of the Son of man and drink his blood,
ye have not life in yourselves," etc., can never be understood or appreciated at its true occult
value, except by those who hold some of the seven keys, and yet care little for St. Peter. (15)
These words, whether said by Jesus of Nazareth, or Jeshua Ben-Panthera, are the words of an
INITIATE. They have to be interpreted with the help of three keys -- one opening the psychic
door, the second that of physiology, and the third that which unlocks the mystery of terrestrial
being, by unveiling the inseparable blending of theogony with anthropology. It is for revealing a
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few of these truths, with the sole view of saving intellectual mankind from the insanities of
materialism and pessimism, that mystics have often been denounced as the servants of [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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